5401 Bishop J. A. Johnson Lane Normandy, MO 63121 (314) 382-2606
Bethesda Temple Bible Institute (BTBI) is open to all believers who are interested in learning more about the Word of God. Our mission is to provide committed and competent leadership for the Teaching ministry of the Church and to equip both the laity and ordained ministers to engage in a life long career of faithful, informed Christian Service.
Spring 2021 Schedule
January 25, 2021 to May 3, 2021
Registration begins January 4, 2021.
Classes begin the week of January 25, 2021.
Late Registration ends February 8, 2021.
Ministers Academy Saturday classes begin January 23, 2021 (10 am-12pm).
Spring classes will begin the week of January 25.
Final exams will be the week of May 3.
Spring Break - the week of March 14.
SPRING 2021- BTBI Course Offerings
Course Offering:
MIN 102 – Spiritual Disciplines (6 weeks) 1.5 CR. HRS.
Monday 6-8:30pm
A survey of the principles for spiritual development. Emphasis is placed on how
spiritual maturity in Christ can be achieved through using the graces which are given to
the church. To be taken in conjunction with How to Study the Bible.
PT 101 – How to Study the Bible (6 weeks) 1.5 CR. HRS.
An outline of the various methods for studying the Bible. Helpful study tools are presented and used. Emphasis is given to study methods for personal enrichment, preaching, and teaching ministries. To be taken in conjunction with Spiritual Discipline.
*Total cost for class $125
Minimum required to register $25
BNT 211–The Book of Acts 3 CR. HRS.
Monday 6-8:30pm
A study of the “Birth of the Church” and its development as outlined in the Book of
Acts. A study of the ministry of the Holy Spirit as manifested in the 1st Century
Church. Signs and wonders/Apostles teaching. Application is made for the 21st
century Church.
*Total cost for class $125
Minimum required to register $25
BNT 115 – The Life of Christ (The Gospels) 3 CR. HRS.
Tuesday 6-8:30 pm
A treatment of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ from a chronological viewpoint. Students come to know Jesus' purpose and significance by studying the major events and movements of His life as presented in the four gospels. Confidence in the gospels as historical resources is also explored. This class is highly recommended for new Christians.
*Total cost for class $125
Minimum required to register $25
BOT 113 – Old Testament Survey II (The Prophet Books) 3 CR. HRS.
Tuesday 6-8:30 pm
A survey course of the twelve prophet books of the Old Testament. The study includes
historical development, personalities, and main events.
*Total cost for class $125
Minimum required to register $25
ST 310 – Bible Interpretation (Hermeneutics) 3 CR. HRS.
Monday 6-8:30 pm
A study of the principles and methods which aid in determining the correct meaning
and message of Scripture.
*Total cost for class $125
Minimum required to register $25
MIN 210- Spanish for Evangelism (6 weeks) 1.5 CR. HRS.
Thursday 6-8:30 pm
This course is for those who are wanting to learn Spanish to be an effective witness cross cultural
communities. Basic Spanish evangelism terms will be identified and learned.
*Total cost for class $65
Minimum required to register $25
MA 100-Ministers' Academy 3 CR. HRS.
Saturday 10 am-12 pm (Two Saturdays each month)
The Ministers’ Academy is a one year program (two-semesters). It is designed to provide basic ministerial instruction. It is open to all ministers regardless of their level of ministry or ministerial development. The objective of this program is to prepare and equip ministers for service to the church community. Other courses included in the Ministers’ Academy are Bible Overview, Spiritual Disciplines, and How to Study the Bible.
*Total cost for class $50 (per semester)
Minimum required to register $25
LC 201-Ministerial Introduction 3 CR. HRS.
Monday 6-8:30 pm
A study in the fundamental principles of the Apostolic Faith. Attention is given to basic Bible overview and content. Emphasis on the principal doctrines of the Bible offered through Aenon. (Required course for licensure by the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc.)
*Call the BTBI office to register (314-382-2606)
LC 301- Ordination Course 6 CR. HRS.
Tuesday 6-8:30 pm
Five components: Understanding People, Birth of the Spirit, Your Ministry of Evangelism, Christian Pastorate, and History of Pentecost. This is a two-semester course.
(Required course for licensure by the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc.)
*Call the BTBI office to register (314-382-2606)